Monday, June 17, 2013

Garden Update #1

What would a food and wine adventure be without our summer garden!  This year, we planted cucumbers, yellow squash, zucchini, and three varieties of tomatoes.  We planted on April 27, and nearly two months later we just harvested our first few cucumbers.  We will continue to update you as we pick more and prepare some yummy dishes!!

Here a few progressive images over the last few weeks:
Right after planting - you can barely see the plants!
June 1st 
Our first few cucumbers

Chicken and Tomato Skewers

The prepared skewers ready for the grill
On Friday evening, we made Chicken and Tomato Skewers.  This is a recipe Mark's mom made often when he was growing up.  The recipe is in some old Chicken recipe book that Mark's mom has long since thrown out.  The recipe calls for chicken and tomatoes only.  However, we "dress" them up with both bell peppers and onions (Vidalia onions on this night!).  The dish is extremely easy.  The chicken marinade sauce is only 3 ingredients:  tomato sauce, honey, and Worcestershire sauce .  You mix the three ingredients and throw the chicken in (after cutting it into squares).  Then, thread skewers with chicken and veggies.  The recipe suggests cooking the skewers under the broiler, but we feel that they are tastier on the grill.  Friday was less humid here in NC, so we fired up the charcoal and threw them on the grill.  They are a great summer dish.

Perfectly grilled and ready to eat!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Garlic Chicken and Potatoes

@FoodNetwork #FNMag  We are back to the blog!  Now, we realize it has been an extended hiatus from our blog, but it is not that we lost track or interest.  Rather, we have committed ourselves to an exciting (not really) regiment of healthy salads and really how exciting is a blog about the different ways to prepare lettuce :=) 

In our venture away from greens, we decided to prepare this healthy chicken and potatoes dish, Garlic Chicken and Potatoes.  A dish from a recent issue of Food Network Mag, this dish takes ordinary chicken and potatoes to a tasty level - with flavors of garlic, herbs, and fresh lemon juice.  We kicked up the recipe with a few extra herbs from our garden (rosemary, thyme).  The potatoes were fresh from the Piedmont Farmers Market and still freshly covered in dirt -- straight from the field. 

Quick, simple, garlicy, juicy -- YUM!  Ahhhhh, what a nice return to a good wholesome meal!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Our Herb Garden

Spring has Sprung!  In addition to our garden (coming soon!), we decided to take on a much expanded herb garden this year.  Of course a herb garden can't just be a simple as planting a few herbs in pots, we had to make it a bit more fun and decorative!  We picked five herbs that we will make the most use of - Rosemary, Thyme, Basil, Mint, and Parsley.  Some cheap terra cotta pots were turned into decorative pieces for our sun room with a little paint (and wine!).  It isn't too often that we tackle such crafty projects, but we are quite pleased with how they turned out -- the perfect addition to our already colorful sunroom.  

By the way, we LOVE the chalkboard craft paint we used for a small patch for labeling each pot - a perfect final touch!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chicken Fajita Night

#FNMag @FoodNetwork It's Mexican dinner night with Chicken Fajitas on the menu.  While we have made these before using easy seasoning packs, this recipe comes from the most recent issue of Food Network Magazine and was just as easy, but tastier and quite a bit healthier.  A simple mix of red onion, green peppers, garlic, lime, and chicken -- along with the staple spices of this dish -- come together in less than 30 minutes.  We topped ours with some sour cream and prepared a quick side of rice and beans.  This will be our new go-to recipe when looking for fajitas.  It beats the seasoning pack any day! 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Savannah-Day 3

@VisitSavannah  It's our final day in Savannah for our mini-vacation.  While the weather was less than cooperative up until early afternoon, we made the best of it!  Between the persistent rain showers, we ducked in and out of the squares and took a tour of First African Baptist Church.  Truly an amazing experience! 

Perfectly prepared scones at the Tea Room
We had reservations at The Savannah Tea Room for high afternoon tea -- a first time experience for Bill and our first trip to this spot in Savannah.  Our multi course meal included pastries, finger sandwiches, quiche, and desserts.  We were not disappointed at any stage of the culinary journey.  The tea was spectacular and quite satisfying on a cool rainy day. 

We rounded out our trip with some more sightseeing (the rain had finally ended!) and a quick re-visit to Papillote for another round of macarons.  With a long journey ahead of us, we departed Savannah and headed home.  What a great trip and 30th birthday celebration.  We now need to find our next excuse to get back to the city :=)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Savannah-Day 2

Middle Eastern Pressed Sandwich
@VisitSavannah @Leopolds_IC @SavannahBeeCo  It's Mark's big day and day 2 in Savannah!  While the weather was a little less than cooperative, we weren't going to let a little rain (OK, quite a bit of rain, actually) stop us from some great eats and visiting the sights of Savannah!  After a brief trolley tour to orient ourselves to the city, we decided to take refuge from the rain at Soho Southern Cafe.  What an incredibly unique spot!  It's art gallery meets restaurant and the food is every bit as delightful and unique as the spot itself.  Mark's Modern Grilled Cheese and Bill's Middle Eastern Pressed Sandwich, both paired with tomato basil bisque were the perfect way to escape the elements and recharge.  This place was truly a unique dining spot -- from the mismatched chairs and tables to the art lining the walls.  We will certainly be back!

As the weather cleared, we headed back out to explore the city.  Some shopping along River Street led us to the Savannah Bee Company.  While we have shared more than our fair share of wine tastings, a honey tasting was a new experience.  From tupelo honey to orange blossom honey, who knew there was so much diversity in honey!  A sampler of a few of our favorites is following us home.

Modern Grilled Cheese 
As the rain decided to return (and happy hour approached) , we sought refuge at Jen's and Friends.  Who could resist a spot that boasts 300 martinis and 200 beers, along with happy hour specials.  Pictured below is one of Mark's adventurous and unique martinis -- a Rice Krispie martini that tasted just how it sounded.  With a few drinks in hand to go, which by the way is one of the coolest things about Savannah, we headed to Broughton Street for a bit of shopping.

Before heading back to our B&B, we made a quick detour to Leopold's Ice Cream, a Savannah institution for a couple of late afternoon treats.  All made on site ice cream in small batches, this was the perfect way to round out the afternoon.

Honey tasting at Savannah Bee Co
While, we didn't capture any photos of dinner at The Olde Pink House, we had an absolutely exquisite dinner there to celebrate Mark's 30th birthday.  A true fine dining experience with outstanding service, great wine, and a perfectly prepared multi-course meal, we could not have picked a better place to celebrate.  Dining by candlelight in this 18th century mansion was a surreal experience for two history nerds!  From Bill's filet mignon and Mark's vidalia onion and sweet potato ravioli, to our desert drink course, everything was perfect! 

That's right - a Rice Krispie martini!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Savannah-Day 1

@VisitSavannah @PapilloteSAV @Lady_and_Sons  It's Day 1 of our mini-vacation and Mark's 30th birthday celebration in Savannah, GA!   We left Winston early this morning and arrived in time for a late afternoon lunch. 

We researched and found this highly recommended French 'take out' spot in the historic district - Papillote.  The restaurant lived up to the hype!  Our lunch started with 3 amazing macarons!  Perfectly prepared and airy, we had a hard time not going back for a second round!  For lunch, Bill had the Catalan Pizzette and Mark selected The Happy Pig (both pictured below).  The dishes were prepared perfectly and simply yummy!  The staff was also incredibly friendly -- a great find and a great start to our trip.

After checking into our B&B, we headed out to Tybee Island to try and soak up some sun.  Unfortunately, the temps dropped and the winds picked up, but we still relished in a quick return to the ocean and beach.  What trip to Tybee would be complete without a quick stop at well-known Crab Shack.  While we passed on food and decided only to take in the sights and a quick drink, it was a first for Mark and a 'must do' experience. 

For Mark's pre-birthday meal, we couldn't pass up one of our favorite cook's spot -- yes, Paula Deen's The Lady and Sons.  While we know this is the must-go -to touristy place in Savannah, neither of us had been in the past.  We both elected for the buffet of southern favorites.  Mark, a GA native, commented that they were every bit as good as his Nannie's.  (That is high praise by the way!) While we both ate far more than we needed to and I am sure both ingested at least a stick of butter each, we truly enjoyed our meal.  The service was also very attentive.

A great start to our trip -- tomorrow is Mark's birthday so sure to be many more adventures in store!

Our perfectly prepared dishes from Papillote

Mark at the entrance to The Crab Shack "Where the elite eat in their bare feet"
A mix of the quintessential Southern tastes from The Lady and Sons

Monday, April 1, 2013

St Patty's Dinner

@FoodNetwork #FNMag #StPatricksDay  We almost forgot to add our St Patty's Day dinner to our blog!  After a week long trip to Georgia for Mark, Bill decided to prepare to this as a surprise for him after his long drive back home.  The menu comes from a feature menu in the March 2013 issue of Food Network Magazine.

To start (and to add that green spirit) there was Watercress Soup with Whiskey Cream.  While this was a great, light, and flavorful soup, the watercress was not easy to come by in Winston.  Lowes - no; HT - no; Whole Foods - no; Trader Joe's - no; Fresh Market - yes, at long last!  (And, yes, I did go to all of those stores in that order before almost giving up.)  Watercress was a new ingredient for us -- a very peppery green that actually cooks nicely into this soup.  The topping, however, was the real treat.  Basically Jameson Irish whiskey and heavy whipping cream.  And, yes, you can taste the booze.

For the main course, it was Beef Potpies with Cheddar-Stout Crust.  While we have never heard of this as an Irish staple, it was a nice departure from the traditional Irish pub favs.  The filling is basically a braised beef stew.  The homemade crust makes the dish -- a combination of Irish cheddar (which was far easier to find than watercress, might I add) and stout beer.  The flavor of the cheddar really comes through nicely.

And, what Irish meal would be complete without a nice tall frosted glass of Guinness Stout.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dressed Up Salad

So the reality is that when we go awhile without posting, it usually means a period of slightly healthier (and less exciting) meals, such as salad, soup and salad (well you get the idea).  Much to Mark's discontent, might we add.  A few nights ago we decided to 'kick up' our salads a little bit with two special accompaniments - overnight tomatoes and parmesan bacon crisps. 

Starting with the overnight tomatoes, which we have to credit to Chef Starr at one of our favorite wineries in the Yadkin Valley, Sanders Ridge.  During this time of year when tomatoes don't have very much flavor, we were turned on to this great and simple way to concentrate the flavors.  Simply split some roma tomatoes lengthwise and sprinkle with a bit of EVOO, salt, and pepper.  Then, you guessed it, you roast them overnight -- literally.  As low as your oven will go (150/175 degrees) for about 8 hours.  Let them cool and they are good for about a week.  All the flavors of the less than exciting romas concentrate and make a great addition to any dish. 
Preparing the tomatoes before their overnight trip to the oven

The parmesan bacon crisps are a quick mix of some parm (about 1 1/2 cups), a bit of flour (1 tbsp) and some chopped cooked bacon.  Line a baking sheet with some parchment and place about 8-10 mounds.  Flatten them a bit and cook for approximately 8 mins in a 375 degree oven.  A yummy, cheesy, crunchy addition to a salad.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Skillet Chicken Parm

@FoodNetwork #FNMag 
It's been a little while since we had a chance to write this blog entry, but we didn't want to miss out on sharing this light alternative to Chicken Parm.  Instead of the traditional pan fried favorite that is covered in mozzarella (which, we love by the way!), this alternative has all the flavor without all the calories  From the March issue of Food Network Magazine (the Cheese issue!), Skillet Chicken Parmesan, is relatively quick and easy to make.  Instead of breading the chicken and pan frying it, we toasted fresh bread crumbs and then lightly fried boneless chicken breasts in olive oil.  Instead of preparing the tomato sauce suggested by the recipe, we used a prepared sauce.  The chicken is nestled in tomato sauce, topped with the bread crumbs, and then some light cheeses before a quick broil. 

At  329 calories a serving, this recipe misses none of the flavor of the traditional favorite.  We bet you that it will fool you or your guests.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Yadkin Valley Wine Trip

Divine Llama Vineyards
Flint Hill Vineyards
This past Sunday, we took a couple of our friends to a few of our favorite local Yadkin Valley wineries.  We have been to Divine Llama and Flint Hill more times than we can count, and, admittedly, are quite well known at both.  Both of these wineries offer some of the very best wine of the Yadkin Valley and are certainly two of the most welcoming.  While our friends took part in a full tasting at each, we had a glass of our favorites at both: Chambourcin and In a Heartbeat (a 50/50 blend of Merlot and Chambourcin) at Divine Llama, and Cabernet Sauvignon at Flint Hill.  And, of course, what trip to Divine Llama is complete without a visit to its namesake -- the llamas and alpacas.   Two of the llamas put on a show for the camera with a slight tussle.

Our small adventure concluded with a final stop at Westbend Vineyards and Brewhouse.  Westbend is the oldest winery in the Yadkin Valley.  While we had been there once before (at the end of a long wine adventure), we wanted to go back for a second tasting.  The age of the vines and the experience certainly shows at Westbend and several of their wines are simply outstanding.  While service and charm is not what it is at some of our favorites, this is still a 'not to be missed' Yadkin winery (and the only one in Forsyth County, at least until a new winery opens in April).
Westbend Vineyards and Brewhouse

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lasagna and Breadsticks

@BarillaUS @FoodNetwork #FNMag  You may have noticed a slight decline in the frequency of posts as of late -- this is not due to us falling out of the "blog-sphere," but rather a week of less than "bloggable" meals!  Last Sunday, though, we prepared one of our favorites -- Lasagna.  To go with the Lasagna, we also prepared a "Copy That!" featured in this month's Food Network Magazine - Almost Famous Stuffed Cheesy Bread (copied from Domino's).  

We love this recipe because not only does it make a tasty version of  the classic, but it is also made using Barilla's Oven Ready Lasagne Noodles, which means no boiling.  Now prepare yourself...wait for it...this 'fancy' recipe comes from the back of the box.  So if you want the recipe, just flip the box over (we also provided the link above).  But, trust us, we have made this countless times (all the way back to college years for Bill) and it does not disappoint.  It is also extraordinarily simple and you can prep it in less than 15 minutes with virtually no mess at all.  A couple variations that we have learned/used as we have made it: 

Try sub-ing cottage cheese for the ricotta if you want a slightly creamier cheesy consistency between layers.

You will almost always need more sauce than it calls for (2 jars) even if you follow the recipe measurements.  So, have an extra jar just in case you get to that all important top layer and find yourself with only a splash of sauce (not good eats!) 

If you are making this for two and don't want to eat leftovers for the next week, try halving the recipe and use a 8x8 or 9x9 baking dish.  It works just as well and will still leave you with some leftovers. 

A quick note on the breadsticks that we made to go with Lasagna.  They are great but they are quite involved (as is any dough based recipe).  But, damn, they are good!  If you make them, we might suggest doubling the mozzarella in the middle of the dough.  The recipe looks far more intimidating that it actually is to make.  Are they as good as the Domino's original?  Hmmm....not exactly....but they are a close second if you want to be a bit adventurous at home, and they certainly beat any of those frozen breadsticks or garlic breads (by a mile!). 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


It's Mexican Dinner Night!  Another cold wintry day in NC calls for a nice meal at the house.  Tonight, we turned to a dish that Bill learned to make several years ago (OK, more than 10 years ago) while in college before he headed off to Oaxaca, Mexico for a month -- Enchiladas!  This is a simple and original recipe passed down to Bill from his professor that accompanied him to Mexico for the trip. 

The recipe gets a bit messy with frying the tortilla shells and rolling them in tomato sauce, but the mess is part of the fun (so long as you have a helping hand in the kitchen).  As is Mexican tradition, these are simple and not overly complex like Americanized Mexican dishes.   We also have made these with chicken, and you can't go wrong with beef or chicken. 

With fried tortillas lots of mexi-cheese, how can you go wrong?  We absolutely love this dish served up with some rice and beans.

Here's a quick summary of how to make them (OK, be prepared we are not recipe chefs):

  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 small green pepper
  • Mexi-cheese (2-3 cups)
  • Large can (28oz) of tomato sauce
  • 1 package of corn tortillas (fresh, not already fried)
  • Canola (or veg) oil
  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Chop the green pepper and onion.
  3. With approx a tbsp of oil in a large frying pan, saute the green pepper and onion until slightly softened (approx 5-7 mins) over medium heat.
  4. Add the ground beef to the frying pan and cook until browned.  Remove from heat.
  5. Setup an assembly line with two plates, the beef, and a bowl of mexi-cheese.  Also, prepare another plate with about 20 pieces of paper towel, 3-4 lining the bottom of the plate and the rest just to the side.
  6. Pour a few ounces of tomato sauce in the first plate (reserve remainder to refill the plate as you go).
  7. In a small frying pan, heat about a cup of oil (enough to fry the shells in) and bring up to frying temperature on medium heat.  We prefer to splash a bit of water (very small amount) in the oil when you think it is getting hot -- it will 'pop' back at you when it is ready so be careful!
  8. Use tongs to quickly fry a tortilla, flipping it once, just long enough to soften the tortilla (no more than 15-20 secs).
  9. Transfer the tortilla to the plate lined with paper towels and use the remaining towels to pat the tortilla dry.  Then, transfer the tortilla to the plate with the tomato sauce. 
  10. Dip each side of the tortilla in tomato sauce to coat it, then transfer it to the final plate.  Fill the center with beef and a bit of cheese.  Roll the tortilla and transfer it to a baking sheet coated with non stick cooking spray.
  11. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
  12. When you have all your tortillas prepared and lined up on the baking sheet, cover the tortillas with the remaining tomato sauce and then cover with a layer of mexi-cheese. 
  13. Bake for approximately 12 minutes at 375 degrees (long enough to warm the enchiladas and melt the cheese).

Prepare the assembly line
Frying the tortilla (no more than 15-20 secs)

Coat each side of the tortilla in tomato sauce

Fill with beef and cheese and roll the enchilada

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stuffed Cabbage Rolls with Polenta

Beautiful Savoy cabbage freshly blanched
@FoodNetwork #FNMag  As was mentioned in a previous post, this past Saturday we passed the day with three bottles of wine and quality time together.  We did neglect to mention the adventurous meal we made.  We started prepping somewhere between our second and third bottle of wine, but we were committed to preparing this intriguing recipe from the November issue of Food Network Magazine, Stuffed Cabbage Rolls with Tomato Sauce.  This is certainly not a weeknight 'go to meal' but if you want to explore something less than traditional and have the time to commit, we would certainly recommend it.

Very simply, these are nothing more than a very flavorful (and homemade) sausage wrapped in Savoy cabbage and steamed to perfection.  They are topped with a simple semi-homemade tomato sauce.  Made with a blend of fresh herbs, Cognac, meats, and cheese, this sausage is not be understated. 

Rolling the sausage
We were, admittedly, a bit apprehensive with the next step -- wrapping these little gems of meat into blanched Savoy cabbage and rolling them tightly like you would a burrito.  Surprisingly, though, it was quite simple and all rolled without incident.  TIP: Buy fairly large heads of Savoy cabbage -- smaller leaves just do not work as well.  We actually bought three heads of Savoy so that we could experiment.  To finish off the cabbage rolls, they are steamed for 45 minutes in a steamer insert.  This not only softens the Savoy, but also keeps the sausage incredibly moist and melds all the flavors. 

As mentioned earlier, the accompanying tomato sauce is pretty simple and is 'kicked up' with 3 tablespoons of Cognac (though we can't say we could really taste it when all was said and done, but perhaps our palate was not perfectly attuned at that point in the day either).

They are all ready to be wrapped in Savoy!
We also prepared the Two Cheese Polenta that you can see in the final product photo below.  This dish is a perfect accompaniment to this recipe and made completely from scratch -- a first for us.  We did miss one ingredient at the store which is called for in the recipe -- fontina.  We used some smoked Gruyere we had left over from another meal. What a great substitute!  The smokey rich flavor of the Gruyere really brought this whole dish together. 

The recipe indicates 2+ hours of total time, but we might suggest setting aside at least 3 hours. Preparing this fun, new dinner on a cold winter night was a great ending to a great day "in."

Beautifully wrapped cabbage rolls -- not bad, huh?! long last...the finished product served on homemade Polenta.  Lots of pretty colors!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Cold and Wine-y Saturday

The weather forecast did not lie -- Saturday was indeed a cooolldddd day in NC.  We woke up to light flurries that lingered throughout the day.  Honestly though, we are over the snow and are ready for Spring.  That said, we planned ahead for a day in the house which means a bottle (or three) of wine.  What else is there to do?!

The morning started with breakfast and La Dolce Vita from Raffaldini, a wine from NC that we picked up on a recent trip to the vineyard (see an earlier post).  This light, sparkling, and slightly sweet wine is not a replacement for champagne, but it was a great way to get the day started. 

The next two bottles, Kumbaya (a California blend) and a Cotes Du Rhone blend followed us through lunch, dinner, and the evening. 

Our favorite wine of the day?  The 2011 Les Violettes Cotes Du Rhone. 

Movies, some cleaning, a few small projects, and three bottles of wines -- a great cold and wine-y Saturday at home!

Turkey With Warm Barley Salad

@foodnetwork #FNMag  A quick and easy recipe from Food Network Magazine (Jan/Feb 2013 issue), we decided to give this unique recipe for Turkey with Warm Barley Salad a try.  Admittedly, turkey cutlets are not one of our 'go-to' ingredients, but this recipe helped to transform a rather flavorless cut into a great dish.  The simple combination of tomatoes, lemon juice, and butter added a fresh flavor to the turkey.  (Note that we did leave the almonds out of the dish as we are not huge fans.)  We also chopped the cutlets after they finished cooking. 

We would certainly recommend the turkey, however, we strongly suggest the warm barley salad with brussel sprouts.  A quick and easy side with a hint of lemon, this would compliment any meat dish.  It was also Bill's first time having barley (yes!) and he loved it! 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Chicken with Quinoa and Veggies

@allrecipes On Thursday night, Mark made one of our favorite recipes, Chicken with Quinoa and Veggies.  This is a special recipe because this was the very first meal Mark prepared for Bill early in our relationship (Bill is the chef in the relationship).  Mark found this recipe two years ago when searching for a dinner to make that involved quinoa because neither of us had tried it.  It is fun to see the evolution of Mark's cooking skills, though.  In the previous attempt, it ended up involving Bill quite a bit.  However, Thursday night, Mark had the dish ready when Bill finished work. The dish is quite tasty and relatively simple.  Quinoa is as easy as rice to prepare and has a very distinct, earthy flavor that we love.  The recipe calls for chicken broth, which does enhance the flavor.  However, we were saving the chicken broth that was in the cabinet for another dish, so we just used water.  It is still scrumptious.  The remainder of the dish involves just a few steps of time management and adding the zucchini, chicken, tomatoes and feta.  The feta and veggies really compliment the earthiness of the quinoa.  This is definitely a fun recipe to prepare if you have a box of quinoa at home.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

King Cake

@allrecipes #MardiGras #KingCake  So if we cannot be in NOLA for Mardi Gras, then it only seems fitting to make our own celebration -- with food, of course!  With that, we sought out a well-reviewed recipe for King Cake, a Mardi Gras tradition.  Sure, you can find this cake at local bakeries, but what fun is that, and, of course, we need a giant king cake! 

Baking always means a fun time in the kitchen.  The recipe was very much a hurry up and wait adventure.  Between allowing time for the yeast to activate and for the dough to rise, we spent about 3-4 hours in the kitchen. 

Despite the mound of dishes (and several rounds of dishes after each step), the recipe is relatively easy.  Several reviewers noted doubling the filling, but we didn't and really don't think it is necessary.  On the other hand, if you are cooking for 2, you may want to halve the recipe.  We have eaten the cake for 3 days and still have left overs. 

Here are a couple of quick suggestions if you give this recipe a try (recipe link).  The dough only requires 5 cups of flour (step 2).  Don't let the ingredient list fool you as the final 1/2 cup of flour is in the filling.  Also, as with most baking, be sure not to overwork the dough. 

Oh, and for the record, we did leave the "baby" out of the King Cake -- maybe next year!

Locking in the yummy filling in the first half of the cake

King Cake!  Laissez les bons temps rouler.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Asian Lettuce Wraps

@SunnyAnderson #ChineseNewYear  @FoodNetwork  Happy Chinese New Year!  It's officially the year of the Snake now.  This day calls for one of our quick go-to dishes - Asian Lettuce Wraps.  Compliments of Sunny Anderson, we have made this dish countless times, and it seemed like a perfect dish for today.

A quick combination of Ginger, garlic, hoisin, soy, scallions, peanuts, and ground beef served with some fresh and crisp lettuce this makes for a light and flavorful dinner.  Served along some chicken egg rolls, we are now in the new year spirit!  Thanks, Sunny, for this great recipe - one of our favorites when we are craving some Asian flare at home!