Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Cold and Wine-y Saturday

The weather forecast did not lie -- Saturday was indeed a cooolldddd day in NC.  We woke up to light flurries that lingered throughout the day.  Honestly though, we are over the snow and are ready for Spring.  That said, we planned ahead for a day in the house which means a bottle (or three) of wine.  What else is there to do?!

The morning started with breakfast and La Dolce Vita from Raffaldini, a wine from NC that we picked up on a recent trip to the vineyard (see an earlier post).  This light, sparkling, and slightly sweet wine is not a replacement for champagne, but it was a great way to get the day started. 

The next two bottles, Kumbaya (a California blend) and a Cotes Du Rhone blend followed us through lunch, dinner, and the evening. 

Our favorite wine of the day?  The 2011 Les Violettes Cotes Du Rhone. 

Movies, some cleaning, a few small projects, and three bottles of wines -- a great cold and wine-y Saturday at home!

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